HAHA… I’ll get to the title of the blog later, I promise!
Sorry its been over a week… I was in the groove last week of work, going to the gym, and spending time with Fabsie (my latin novio). It is easy to loose track of time here.
So I left off with my vacation to the beach. Let me just say Puerto Viejo is AMAZING! It was literally the most perfect weekend ever! We arrived late Friday night and Liz, Beth and I went directly to our hostel for the night to crash. I loved our Hostel! It was just off the main strip of down town; a little place call Jacaranda. I felt like for $12 a night we had it made with a privet room and bathroom, hot water (a rarity for most hostels), clean towels daily, and bug nets (which were definitely needed). Saturday morning we were up early for breakfast at this cute local place called “Bread & Chocolate”. They had amazing food, it reminded me a little of mustards ☺ The place was so good we went back the next morning too (Corinn and Lindsay, you guys would both LOVE)! After breakfast we walked about 20 minutes to the beach and enjoyed about 5 hours in the sand and water.
That night was sort of a less than perfect experience trying to figure out where to go for dinner. Two of the other girls who came on the trip stayed in hammocks at a different hostel to cut back on costs. The groups were somewhat segregated for the weekend, but I enjoyed my weekend so really that’s all that I cared about. Saturday night was low key, so we could get up early and do the beach all over again. After another 5 hour day at the beach my back was a little crispy. Although you would not believe how many times I applied SPF 100 (well maybe 45, but still!) I wasn’t like some of the other girls though, thank goodness! I had a pretty rocken’ tan after the weekend. Liz who comes from Mexican dissent absolutely fried her back…. I told her that even though she is brown she is not immune to the sun. She learned her lesson. That was only her second sunburn in her life, and she will never forget to use SPF again!
That day on the beach we met some people learning to surf. Both guys were from the states, one there vacationing for a week and the other lives there with his girlfriend running a small hotel just down the road. They asked if we wanted to meet up with them later, and of course we were totally in (and it had nothing to do with the fact that they were both totally gorgeous). Dinner on Sunday night was excellent, and after we met up with the guys. It was pretty awesome to hear about the experiences of the one guy who owns the hotel. He has lived in Puerto Viejo for two years, truly living up to the Costa Rican expression “Pura Vida”. I can’t imagine living in paradise… I wouldn’t get anything done!! Monday we made our way back to San Jose, hot, tired, and sun kissed- Mission Accomplished ☺
It feels like it always takes two days to get back into the groove of things after being away for the weekend… that consists of catching up on sleep, laundry, and rehydrating. The rest of last week seemed to just FLY by… It seems like time is just moving faster and faster each day. I’m feeling more and more comfortable with my surroundings here, my Spanish is getting progressively better, and I’m feeling pretty competent about my work here. I am also feeling extra blessed to have first hand insight to some of the local culture for people my age. I have been able to go with Fabian and his friends to watch him play soccer a few times a week. San Jose seems to be pretty progressive as far as changing traditions, but still there are many differences culturally. It’s interesting to hear about the family life here, work and the difficulties of finding a job, especially a job that pays a decent salary. It’s great to see the way Fabian interacts with his friends, and to pick up on some of the mannerisms. The culture here is VERY affectionate. I am not used to that at all. Not only in the kissing hello and good bye, but guy friends are affectionate with each other. When I am out and about it is such the norm to see couples walking together holding hands, engaging in a loving embrace, and even sucking face…. Sometimes it’s a little more than I need to see. The other afternoon I was working in the cafĂ© near the hotel my professor is staying at and watched a couple in the 40’s have lunch together. All I can say is I hope I have that when I’m married… They sat close to each other, her legs crossed towards him, they spoke quietly to each other through out the meal. They were both very attentive in the conversation, and he often put is hand on her back as they spoke, when she got up to use the restroom she stood behind him and leaned in for one last embrace and kiss on the cheek before walking out. I promise I wasn’t gaping at them, I did get work done, but I was just making a respectful observance of the very romantic culture here.
One amenity I’ve taken advantage of while being in Costa Rica is the cheap cost of classes at the gym. I’ve usually been doing 2 classes a week that cost $2-3 dollar each. I wanted something to supplement my runs in the morning, and this was the perfect way to do it. I’ve done a few Pilates classes, Baile classes, Total fitness cardio, and Total fitness abs… its fun because most of the girls go together…. So now for the story about the title…
One night, Liz and I were walking back to our house after 2 classes at the gym. We were both pumped and full of adrenaline after getting our butt kicked by this tiny total fitness instructor. I can’t remember if I’ve talked about how openly verbal men are when they see woman out and about, but yeah, pretty much any time I walk out of my house, I can usually expect to get anywhere from 10-20 honks, whistles, comments, etc.. I don’t ever let it bother me though; I’m starting not to notice because I don’t respond to it… I just figure there isn’t really anything I can do about it, and as long as no one touches me, I’m fine. Anyways, so we are walking, and I’m in mid sentence, and someone honks. And Liz shouts, “UGH! I WISH I HAD A GUN!!” I couldn’t help but just start laughing! Now, Liz is totally anti war, all for peaceful conflict resolution, totally politically correct, very sweet social worker…. She pauses and then responds, “Well, I wouldn’t use it. I just want to scare some of these men… Tell them not to mess with me!” Aww, just another Lizism…. Those seem to happen quite often, and I truly enjoy her as my roommate in Costa Rica!! Never a dull moment with her, sometimes you never know what will come out of her mouth.
Alright sorry for the novel, I still have plenty more to say, but I’m not sure you all want the details, and I should actually get some work done today… From what I’ve heard and read it sounds like everyone is enjoying their summers! I love and Miss you all!!!
Pura Vida- A
Just to note-
I know some of you are worried as you read about the time I’m spending with my Fabian, and I promise you have nothing to worry about. He has spent a lot of time with my friends and I, my professor has met him, my house mom has met him, and I have met some of his family. I’m pretty good at reading people, and although I feel completely safe, I’m still very aware of my surrounds. I promise I’m being safe!!!