Thursday, September 30, 2010


Nothing like a nice morning run to start my day. Apart of me felt like I was back in Costa Rica, and I missed it. As I headed out of my house (well, Kirby's house), part of me hopped to find the crooked, broken road, the smell of the earth, and the view of the mountains, and lush greenery of San Jose. But I was greeted with a new sense of connectedness to Ann Arbor. Main Street and Campus were quiet, still, and dark. It smelled like fall, and the air was crisp and cool. It was the kind of run that made me fall in love with Ann Arbor all over again. I am going to miss Ann Arbor when this semester comes to an end... but hopefully it will be a bitter sweet end with me moving on to bigger and better!

Aaaaand, I'm running another 5k this coming sunday morning. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm running with Kirby and Liz (from my program). I would like to start doing more races... next time I will do a 10k. My personal goal is to be running a consistent 10 miles as my long run, by Christmas. Right now my long run is 8 miles.... but I've only kept that consistent for 2 weeks. Hopefully I can keep that up.

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