Saturday, September 4, 2010


So the last week in Costa Rica we spent in a very small rural community about 2 hours north of San Jose. It was the sort of environment I imagined I would we be before arriving in San Jose. I won't bore you with my journal entries from that week. I'll show you in pictures this time!!! (sorry I haven't up loaded any other pictures... I'll get around to it. I thought my blog was broken and wouldn't let me upload). I thought a lot about my Christian roots during this project. I also spent a lot of time thinking about what my dad taught me about charity and service. It was very humbling work, and I loved being able to do this project... and hold the babies. Enjoy!


Front of the orphanage

The tiny room we slept in... on the cement floor

Setting up camp. Kirby and Alej playing tug of war.

Some of the adorable babies.

Pure Love

Notice the face peeking in the window :)

Some of the scenery of Turrialba

A little mischief


Kirby Working

Beth Working

The house where we ate our meals

Walking to the woman's house that made us our food

The giant cake from our last day at the orphanage

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