Thursday, October 7, 2010

the never ending to do list

So, I got up extra early this morning to knock off a few things from my todo list, but obviously I'm a little distracted. School has literally been kicking my but this semester. It feels as though, since the start of school, my life no longer belongs to me, I am a slave to the endless amounts of reading aaaaand paper writing. I guess this is how Gradschool should feel, but I didn't feel like this last semester so this was not how I anticipated the start of school. Not to mention that this is my last semester and the idea of that is a whole other box of anxiety provoking thoughts. But I really do think that the only thing getting me through this hellish amount of school work is that at Thanksgiving I'm headed to Utah to for TEN days! Yes, TEN DAYS!!!!
I'm just a little excited!! I found a ticket fro $280 from Detroit to Salt Lake City (I think it was mean to be, for me to find such a good deal!!). I take off Nov 20 and return Nov 30. The way my schedule is for school this semester, I will only be missing 1 class, so I decided that it would be worth it. I don't EVER miss class so this one time in my whole Gradschool career, I think I'll be okay. I am excited as ever see the family I have been missing so much. Plus, I will get to help with the Thanksgiving preparations, and if any of you have talked to me recently you know what a cooking machine I've become!!

Ugh back to the paper writing... Just though I'd share the exciting news!!

1 comment:

  1. At least turkey isn't that good... so you won't be missing out on that. But a Bubba's burger on the other hand....hmmmm! :)

    You will be done with school before you know it!!!
